08/2022 Rev. 1.1
Wire burn-back time:
The duration of the arc while the wire stops at the
end of welding. If the time is kept short, the wire may stick to the material.
In very long times, the wire may stick to the torch.
Pre-gas time:
Sets the duration of the shielding gas that starts to be given
before welding starts.
Post-gas time:
Sets the duration of the shielding gas that continues to be
given after the welding process is finished.
Initial wire speed:
The speed of the wire going into the material until the
welding wire touches the material to be welded and starts the welding.
Soft start:
After welding starts, the time to reach the set wire speed from
the initial wire speed.
Crater fill time:
Sets the crater fill time when welding is complete.
Crater fill ratio:
Adjusts the ratio of end current to main current during
crater fill.
Hot start ratio:
When starting the welding process, a hot start ratio
multiplier is applied to the main current, so that the welding process starts
at a higher current value, thus allowing the cold material to be welded and
the welding wire to heat up quickly.
Water motor stop:
When the dry torch is used, if this setting is set to 1,
the water motor will not start.
2P Active:
Double pulse on and off setting.
2P Frequency:
Determines the double pulse frequency. The higher the
frequency, the faster the upper current and lower current changes.
2P Occupancy ratio:
Sets the ratio of the dwell time in the upper current
of the double pulse to the dwell time in the lower current.
2P Amplitude:
Adjusts the amplitude between the upper current and the
lower current of the double pulse.
Smart trigger programs:
It is used to call the saved programs with the smart
trigger function in case of welding or not.