Numberall manufactures hot stamping versions of the Models 70, 80, 83, 85, 23,
and 50 Numbering Heads. Due to their hot stamping capabilities, the Model
numbers are thereby referred to as Models 270, 280, 283, 285, 223, and 250,
respectively. Since field applications and press equipment vary, most hot
stamping numbering heads are individually modified to suit customer
All hot stamping numbering heads are designed to allow for thermal expansion.
Various models have unique features to minimize friction and aid in character
The Models 280, 285, and 283 have insulated turning knobs so that the wheel
shaft can be rotated. The Model 283 selector knob has holes drilled in it. An
insulated pin inserted into the holes allows for rotation of the selector knob.
The Model 250 has rollers on the coil return spring pins to minimize friction. A
“pick” is also supplied to preset the wheels. Inserting the “pick” between each
wheel and pushing, can individually rotate the wheels.
The hot stamping equipment, when purchased, includes the heating elements, a
cord and switch. A temperature controller is not included unless purchased as an
option. An overheated numbering head is not covered by warranty, unless wired
to our proportional temperature controller. Refer to the catalog and price list for
additional options to hot stamping.
The following precautions should be observed when assembling and operating
hot stamping equipment:
1. Numberall’s hot stamping numbering heads are designed to operate below
350° Fahrenheit. Operations at higher temperatures can anneal hardened
parts and springs and combust insulating handles.
2. At normal operating temperatures, metal parts can burn the skin. Operational
procedures and written warnings should be created and posted to protect the
3. Some plastics give off harmful vapors when heated. A thorough knowledge of
the materials to be stamped is essential.
4. Enclosed is a canister of special high temperature grease. When cleaning
and maintaining the unit,
coat the wheel shaft and the outside of
the actuating arm with the grease. The grease will improve the operation of
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