and Maintenance
Smart ‘S’
Twin Fan Control System
Used with Quietwin fans
NuAire Limited
Western Industrial Estate
Caerphilly, Mid Glamorgan CF83 1XH
United Kingdom
Telephone 01222 885911
Facsimile No. 01222 887033
Email: info @ nuaire. co.uk
Leaflet No. 670963
This information is general and the specific fan
Installation & Maintenance leaflet supplied with each
Quietwin unit should be referred to when setting up and
If required, replacement leaflets for any Quietwin unit
are available on request from the NuAire Technical
Library Tel: 01222 858231
The NuAire Smart ‘S’ Twinfan Control system brings a
totally new concept to twinfan control technology. Low voltage
circuitry and wiring is employed between the fan and the plug
in sensors and remote controls.
The low voltage 4 -core connecting cables can be installed
without the use of expensive and unsightly housing conduits.
The twinfan is fitted with an integral control module which is
connected via low voltage cables to the sensors and remote con-
trols selected. All the mains supply and switching is housed in
the control module located at the Quietwin fan unit.
Quietwin fans with the Smart ‘S’ control option are available in
models suitable for internal (QTI & QTE) and external
(QTE& QTR) applications.
Internal QTI units have their Smart control module mounted
on the exterior sidewall of the casing.
Note that for weathering purposes the exterior (QTE & QTR)
units have the main Smart control module mounted internally
but feature a small exterior ‘commissioning’ box located on the
outside of the case to allow speed and run on time etc. to be
adjusted without removing the fans top cover.
Smart systems can be as simple or as comprehensive as the
customer wishes to suit your specific application. Our Controls
Application Service is ready to advise on your enquiry.
(Smart Controls)
Contents Page
Smart control wiring to twinfan
Control module input connections
DIL switch settings
Adding sensors etc
Certification 5
Controls Application Service (CAS)
A team of Engineers and technicians is available to provide
pre and post order support.
We are on hand to provide help and advice from the most
basic use of any NuAire equipment to the more complex
applications, maximising on the versatility of our SMART
and NetLink control products.
01222 858585
01222 858586
The 12 year warranty starts from the
date of delivery and includes parts
and labour for the first year. The
labour element is subject to full,
free and safe access to the equipment
as recommended by the CDM
regulations. The remaining 11 years
covers replacement parts only.
*12 Year Warranty (UK only)
* Only available on Quietwin when used with Smart
Control linked to PIR Sensors. Installation must be registered
with NuAire by completing the form provided in the fan unit
Installation & Maintenance leaflet.
Your Quietwin fan Installation & Maintenance leaflet
incorporates a warranty registration form.
Please fill in the form and return to NuAire Service
Department at the address below.
Western Industrial Estate,
Caerphilly, Mid Glam CF83 1XH
United Kingdom.
Tel: 01222 885911 Fax: 01222 887033,
Email: [email protected]