Rev I: 2006.05.04
APPENDIX A: Data Output Options
For special applications, the user can change the output of the Sensor. From the Outputs Menu,
you can change the speed, format, and type of data. Some of these options are not compatible in
Capture, but are useful for proprietary data logging systems.
Connect the serial cable to a null modem adapter (available at most electronics store or can be
purchased from NTech, p/n 350-6-077) then to a PC’s available serial port. Run HyperTerminal
with the following Com port settings:
38,400 Baud, Data bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop bits: 1, Flow Control: None.
Turn on the Sensor and the following header will display:
*** Sensor Summary ****************
Model.........: 500/505
Hardware Rev..: G*-J/B-D J
Software Ver..: 1.6.6
Compiled......: Feb 14 2005
Serial Num....: J
Module Addr...: [01]
Sensor Mode...: [HH]
Type “m” to bring up the Main Menu:
--- M A I N M E N U -------------------
c. AutoCalibrate [2PT]
u. Select HH or APP ....: [HH]
s. Set Sensor Address ..: [85]
p. Print Parameter Summary
e. EXTRAS Menu
q. Quit
Type ‘o’ to select the Outputs Menu.
You should not need any of the other menu functions.
Especially, do not select
AutoCalibrate, as the sensor would lose the calibration, and no longer function correctly; it would
then need to be returned to the factory.
For special applications, the user can change the output of the Sensor. Type “o” to bring up the
Outputs Menu:
--- O U T P U T S M E N U -------------
1. Set Data output interval ..: 100ms
2. Set Data Smoothing Value ..: 1
3. Select Output Variables ...: [Standard]
4. Select Data Delimiter .....: [comma]
5. Select Vegetation Index ...: [NDVI]
6. Enable Graphing Mode ......: [OFF]
9. Reset all modes to default
m. MAIN menu
q. Quit