National Rejectors, Inc. GmbH, Buxtehude
Coin validator control
Depending on the machine interface the coin validator is controlled either
using signals transmitted via the lines of the parallel interface or using a
serial data transfer protocol.
Transfer of coin values by means of coin impulses and via coin signal
lines (parallel interface only)
Each coin accepted by the coin validator passes on one impulse to the
machine control system on a coin signal line. The impulse tells the machine
control system that a coin has been accepted. The standard and SGI
interface differ in their coin signal lines:
currenza f
with parallel standard interface
The parallel standard interface has six signal lines transmitting coin
impulses. Depending on the coin signal line controlled the machine knows
what the coin type (coin value) is (cp. also section "Interfaces" in Chap. 9
"Technical data").
The assignment between coin type and coin signal line is customized by
You can also assign a certain combination of signal lines, i.e.
several signal lines, to a coin type in order to be able to
currenza f
with parallel SGI interface
The parallel SGI interface always uses the same signal line to transmit coin
impulses (cp. also section "Interfaces" in Chap. 9 "Technical data"). In case
the f
accepts more than one coin type coins with a higher denomination are
transmitted as multiple impulses (see section "Multiple impulses" in this
Summary of Contents for Currenza F2
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