allow obtaining an image of observed object which can be compared with the
image of object obtained with the help of mirror telescope. Besides, Klevzovs
optical train is not subject to unadjastment.
The lacks of aspherical surfaces, high quality of correction of the residual
aberration in the wide range of spectrum and small length are indisputable
advantages of Klevzovs optical system. The telescope has a possibility to achieve
F - number to 8.7 that to allow satisfying all requirements of amateur astronomer.
Telescope is completed with two symmetrical eyepieces f'=25mm and
f' = 10 mm and 2
Barlow lens. For easy observation of celestial objects near by
zenith an eyepiece set of telescope is turned to optical axis of tube by 90° with
the help of diagonal mirror 4. To locate an object in the center of view field the
telescope is completed with finderscope, which consists of objective lens 8,
reticle with the cross 9 and eyepiece 10.