EXT-16DX User Manual
version 1.3
page 4
2. EXT-16DX
System Description
The EXT-16DX is an extracellular amplifier with up to 16 channels to be operated in single-
ended or referenced (differential) configuration. In referenced configuration one of the
electrodes can be selected to function as reference for all other electrodes. All channels are
equipped with highpass filter, lowpass filter and gain. Corner frequencies and gain are
customized and the same for each channel. Digital displays show the selected corner
frequencies and gain. These displays can be dimmed for use of the amplifier combined with
fluorescence measurements.
The recorded signals are available at BNC connectors and an SCSI connector (option) for
direct connection to a data acquisition board. They are also linked to a SubD connector for
connecting the optional R/I-T1DX for electrode resistance measurement and current injection.
The EXT-16DX can be operated manually by the controls at the front panel or remotely by a
digital I/O board (option)
An external power supply (PWR-03DX) guarantees low noise operation.
Signal Flow Diagram
The signal is passed through the EXT-16DX as shown below.
Figure 1: EXT-16DX signal flow (shown for one channel only)
The extracellular signal is linked from the headstage to +IN of the differential input. –In is
either the signal from the reference electrode or GND depending on the setting of switch #2,
Figure 2. The difference is then passed through highpass filter, gain and lowpass filter and
linked to the output (BNC connector or SCSI/SubD connector).