NVC-401C, NVDN-401C 1.0 version - User’s manual
All rights reserved © AAT Holding sp. z o.o.
In the camera menu set lens control as
Supply power to the camera, adjust focal length and focus
For best results, perform focus adjustments at night (with iris fully opened) or while
using a #6 or #8 welder's glass in front of the lens to avoid overexposure.
The cameras are equipped with the circuit for iris control with the voltage level ad-
justment in the menu. Default settings are selected for the optimum quality of video
signal. It is not recommended to make any changes if it is not necessary. In case of
changes it is recommended to use #6 or #8 welder's glass in front of the lens and see
the signal on the oscilloscope. During adjustment AGC feature should be switched
4.1.3 Manual iris lens installation
In order to install manual iris lens one should:
Carefully remove the plug protecting the CCD pick-up element
Carefully screw the lens till slight resistance can be felt
Supply power to the camera, adjust focal length and focus. In the
menu set lens
control as
and appropriate mode of electronic shutter.
For best results, perform focus adjustments at night (iris is full open) or while
using a #6 or #8 welder's glass in front of the lens to avoid overexposure.
The level of iris opening should be adjusted with camera pointed to a scene with
highest possible illumination (at its installation place). Please focus on obtaining a
picture with highest illumination, but without overexposing the picture.