Version: 0.1
Date: 28.04.2009
Page: 1 / 2
Hydraulic NovoDock L300
Adjusting instruction
Article no. hydraulic unit:
Motor power:
Swing lip with 1 solenoid valve
Basic requirement:
The electric and hydraulic components of the dock
leveller are completely installed. A pressure gauge is
connected to the measuring port „M“.
Adjusting the lift pressure
Press "Lift" button. If there is not enough pressure to lift the platform, unlock the spindle of
valve DB and turn clockwise until the platform rises.
Swing out the lip automatically. If the swing does not swing out, unlock spindle of
valve V2 and turn anticlockwise until the lip swing out.
Keep the "Lift" button pressed. Adjust the valve DB to 140 bar, measured at
measuring point „M“, by turning the spindle (clockwise rotation = pressure higher,
anticlockwise rotation = pressure lower).
Lock the spindle by tightening the lock nut.
Check the tightness of the valves. Raise the leveller platform to its uppermost position
and switch off the mains isolator. If the platform does not sink, all valves are tight.
Adjusting the automatic swing out movement
Press "Lift" button and raise the platform completely.
Check if the lip swings out automatically. If the lip does not swing out unlock spindle
of valve V2 and turn anticlockwise until the lip swing out (switch pressure 120 bar).
Let the platform sink to its lowest position. The lip must remain swung out while the
platform sinks. If the lip swings back turn the spindle more anticlockwise.
Raise the leveller platform by pushing the “Lift” button. The lip must not swing out
while the platform rises. If the lip swings out turn the spindle of valve V2 clockwise
until the lip does not swing out while the platform rises.
Lock the spindle by tightening the lock nut.
The swing out/ in speed of the lip is not adjustable.
Adjusting the sink speed
Unlock and turn the spindle of valve DV1 clockwise to its stop (close).
Press "Lift" button and raise the platform completely.
Turn the spindle anticlockwise so that the sink speed between uppermost and
horizontal position of the platform is 150mm/s, measured at the front edge of the
Lock the spindle by tightening the lock nut.