Internetwork Packet Exchange
Internetwork Packet Exchange
August 29, 2001
Novell Confidential
July 17, 2001
This topic contains the following sections:
“Configuring a Home Router” on page 98
“Configuring a Mobile Client” on page 99
Configuring the NetWare Mobile IPX Home Router and client software is
straightforward and simple. The only decision you need to make before you
get started is where to locate the Home Router on your network. The next
section helps you determine the best location.
Configuring a Home Router
The Home Router serves as the central connection point between mobile
clients and NetWare servers. To enable mobile clients to establish and
maintain network connections, the Home Router allocates an address from the
server's IPX internal network for use by the mobile clients.
How to Configure a Home Router
To configure a Home Router, complete the following steps:
Load NIASCFG, then select the following parameter path:
Select Configure NIAS > Protocols and Routing > Protocols > IPX
Select Mobile IPX Support , then select Enabled .
Selecting Enabled automatically causes client validation on remote
access servers to be disabled. Remote access systems check whether packets
received from a WAN client have the same source IPX node address that was
assigned to the client during the IPXWAN
negotiation phase. Because NetWare
Mobile IPX uses a different filtering method, client validation is turned off to prevent
NetWare Mobile IPX packets being discarded by remote access servers.
Select Mobile IPX Configuration and configure the Home Router
Select Time To Live Override and enter a value, in minutes, from 1
to 10080.
Time To Live Override overrides the mobile client's HR Time To
Live parameter, which defines how long the Home Router serves the
mobile client without receiving a response from the client. Each time
the Home Router receives information from the mobile client, the
Time To Live Override counter is reset to the value you enter here.
A value of 0, the default, disables the override.