Internetwork Packet Exchange
Internetwork Packet Exchange
August 29, 2001
Novell Confidential
July 17, 2001
First hop circuit to the destination
Name of the destination
The Destination Information window expands on this by showing information
about the Next Hop (Name, Circuit, NIC Address), and by giving access to the
services on the destination router that are available to the current router.
If the destination is an NLSP destination, you can determine potential paths to
the destination by selecting Potential Paths.
Checking an IPX Network for Duplicate Network
Each external network number that identifies a LAN on your IPX network
must be unique. Incorrect configurations and other problems can cause two
LANs to have the same external network number.
One way in which this can occur is when a bridge connecting two LAN
segments fails—a condition known as a
split LAN
. When the bridge fails,
each segment becomes a separate LAN but retains the same network number.
As a result, routers forwarding packets to that network number see two
destinations and simply choose the nearest one.
To check your network for duplicate network numbers, load IPXCON and
follow this path:
Select NLSP Information > LANs
The LANs are listed in numeric order by network number. To look for
duplicate network numbers, scroll through the list of LANs.
Checking an IPX Network for Duplicate System IDs
To check your network for duplicate system IDs, load IPXCON, select a
system, and select the following path:
Select NLSP Information > System Information > field associated with
Detailed NLSP System Information
Check the numbers associated with Sequence Number Skips; if the number is
increasing, two or more NLSP routers on your network have the same system