7.4 Troubleshooting
This section lists the most common problems and error messages that may occur using
Novell AppArmor.
Odd Application Behavior
If you notice odd application behavior or any other type of application problem,
you should first check the reject messages in the log files to see if AppArmor is
too closely constricting your application. To check reject messages, start YaST →
Novell AppArmor and go to AppArmor Reports. Select View Archive and App Aud
for the application audit report. You can filter dates and times to narrow down the
specific periods when the unexpected application behavior occurred.
If you detect reject messages that indicate that your application or service is too
closely restricted by AppArmor, update your profile to properly handle your use
case of the application. Do this with the Update Profile Profile Wizard in YaST,
as described in
Section 3.5, “Updating Profiles from Log Entries”
(page 39).
If you decide to run your application or service without AppArmor protection, re-
move the application's profile from
or move it to another
Issues with Apache
Apache is not starting properly or it is not serving Web pages and you just installed
a new module or made a configuration change. When you install additional Apache
modules (like
) or make configuration changes to
Apache, you should profile Apache again to catch any additional rules that need
to be added to the profile.
Reports Not Sent by E-Mail
When the reporting feature generates an HTML or CSV file that exceeds the default
size, the file is not sent. Mail servers have a default, hard limit for e-mail size. This
limitation can impede AppArmor's ability to send e-mails that are generated for
reporting purposes. If your mail is not arriving, this could be why. Consider the
mail size limits and check the archives if e-mails have not been received.
Excluding Certain Profiles from the List of Profiles Used
AppArmor always loads and applies all profiles that are available in its profile di-
rectory (
). If you decide not to apply a profile to a certain
Novell AppArmor Administration Guide