buttons on the data entry keypad to speed up or slow down the auto-trigger sequence. Auto-
Trigger tempo is a global setting and is not saved with each program.
The Audition and Auto-Trigger features can also be used when editing sounds in the various
Utility functions - see Utility Mode on page 30.
MODE - Button
This button is used to select which of the five main parameter ‘Modes’ are accessed by the ‘Data Entry’ keypad. The cur-
rent mode is indicated by one of five LED’s on the right hand side of the display panel.
NOTE: When the DrumStation Rack is switched on, ‘Program’ mode is automatically selected. Each time the Mode button
is pressed the next ‘Mode’ in the menu will be selected i.e. MIDI RX Channel, MIDI TX Channel, Utility and Save. From
‘Save’, the next press will loop the menu back to the Program mode.
MODE 1 - Program Change.
This is where you select one of the DrumStation’s 40 programs. The program number displayed will be the one selected
prior to power being turned off. To select a different program, first check that the ‘Program’ LED is on. Using the ‘Data Entry’
keypad as described above, you can quickly call up any of the DrumStation’s 40 programs. The recognised numbers in this
mode are from ‘00’ to ‘39’. You can also use MIDI Program Change commands from a sequencer or other external MIDI
device to call up programs.
NOTE 1: Because the DrumStation Rack’s program numbers begin at ‘00’, the next higher number must always be used to
call up the correct sound. i.e. to select program 18, transmit a MIDI Program Change 19.
NOTE 2: The 25 factory sounds are stored in programs ‘00’ to ‘24’ whilst the 15 user locations from ‘25’ to ‘39’ are all initial-
ly set up with a basic drum kit - see page 44 for Factory Program listings.
Data Entry/Program
Program Change