Novatel Wireless Inc.
Version 2.0
5 of 8
3.0 Module Installation Guidelines
The MC551 must be installed for use internal to final products where the
separation distance between the user and the modem is greater than 2.4cm
(24mm). Refer to
Section 5.0
OEM Integration Requirements
section for
measurement guidelines for separation between the transmitting antenna and the
user. The modem must not be collocated with other antennas or transmitters unless
the guidelines within this document are followed. See
Section 4.0
Installation Guidelines
for collocated information.
4.0 Collocated Installation Guidelines
This section applies to all combinations of transmitters and antennas installed
in the final product. The addition or use of the MC551 with other radio transmitters
must be evaluated to ensure that RF Exposure conditions do violate any FCC rules.
It is not recommended that other transmitters be used with the MC551 however
should the installation utilize other transmitting devices care must be taken and
these steps need to be followed. Please contact Novatel Wireless to oversee the
setup of the modem with multi radio configurations.
Collocated transmitters can be operated simultaneously with the MC551, provided
the conditions listed below are met:
A list of the FCC IDs must be presented to Novatel Wireless.
A distance of at least 5cm (50mm) must be maintained from other transmitting
devices (such as other USB devices).
Any combination of transmitting antennas must maintain a separation
distance of at least 5cm (50mm) from each other.
Authorization from Novatel Wireless is required before operating two or more
wireless transmitters with the MC551.
The application of the Novatel Wireless FCC ID as stated in section 1) iv) is
conditional based on the guidelines above. All integrations that involve multiple
transmitters must be reviewed and approved by Novatel Wireless. Authorization to
apply the Novatel Wireless FCC ID on the exterior of the host device must be
provided prior to installing and turning these devices on.