IM 26 MAR 2014 © 2014 Novatec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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NWDC IM 26 MAR 2014
2.7 Hopper Extensions
If you ordered a hopper extension, it will be a bolt-on type. The extension will be
installed at the factory if the overall height of the unit fits into a standard height truck
for shipping. If the unit is too tall for the extension to be factory-mounted, it will be
shipped in a separate container and must be installed at the processor’s plant.
2.8 Adjustable Diffuser Cone Positioning
We have found that processors can improve the
efficiency of their drying process by adjusting the
position of the diffuser cone as described below.
You are now ready to start the dryer.
See QuickCard attached to dryer.
Use bolts supplied to
mount the extension to
the top of the hopper.
Bolt top of hopper to the
– lift into place
- then bolt the extension
to the top of the hopper.
The diffuser cone should be placed in
the lower position (shown) when drying
virgin resin or resin with a low
percentage of regrind.
When drying resin with a high % of
regrind, spread the clip, raise the cone
and place the clip through the lower set
of holes.
Clip through upper
set of holes for low
% of regrind.
Clip through lower
set of holes for high
% of regrind to raise
level of cone.