Novarix Inc, 4112 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 210, Raleigh, NC 27612, USA
less than 15 mins remaining (yellow) and low power (red). See the quick reference card for
diagrammatic instructions.
Note: when the device is powered on and monitoring a patient’s vascular structure, it will use more
power than when it is powered on and not in use. This is due to the energy required by the device to
power the LEDs.
How should I clean the device?
The device should be wiped clean with standard off the shelf common alcohol and non-alcohol
based wipes and allowed to air dry for a few minutes before storage. In addition, a disposable cover
is available and should be used with the device to reduce possible cross contamination. The device
has also been tested with a number of leading brand chlorohexidine clinical wipes of which all have
proved to be satisfactory and will not cause any unit damage or display crazing.
Note: the unit should not be sterilised or submerged in water or other types of cleaning liquids.
Why is the device showing two grey patches on the sides of the screen?
When using the device, it can be confused by ambient light leaking in from the sides – this can
resemble black/grey lines or patches. It is important to have the device seated as firmly and
comfortably on the skin surface as possible and the correct way around (red index light pointing
towards the hand/fingers). Focus should be on the center of the screen. Applying a slight up and
downward pressure when using the device on a patient will help the camera to focus on specific
Is the device suitable for pediatric use?
The device will work on pediatrics but should not be used on neonates and new-borns (up to 28 days
old) or infants (28 days to 1 year) and young paediatrics (1 year to 5 years) as the camera aperture
size is often too wide (30mm). Novarix recommend the use of the device on patients from 5 years
Does it work on the neck?
This is not recommended. Curvature of the IV-eye makes it difficult to seat the device well and it is
not designed for this area. It is only designed to be used on a patient’s arms and hands.