Novarix Inc, 4112 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 210, Raleigh, NC 27612, USA
Summary of the IV-eye®
The IV-eye® is a simple, portable, hand-held imaging device which can assist healthcare professionals
trained in vascular access to locate, identify and assess peripheral veins for the purposes of
venepuncture and cannulation in line with the Vessel Health and Preservation framework.
It is suitable for both adult and pediatric use in all areas where cannulation and venepuncture take
place (e.g. anesthesiology, hematology, oncology, blood transfusion, accident and emergency, home
nursing, plus many more).
How does the device work?
The IV-eye® uses near infrared (NIR) LEDs to trans-illuminate the patient’s limb from both sides of
the target area from the device wings. This enables the NIR light to penetrate deep into the patient’s
skin and subcutaneous tissue before being captured by the IV-eye® camera and processed to display
a real time image of the patient’s vascular structure. The display also shows a red line down the
center which is used to line up the vein. This line is continued as a red index light projected onto the
patient’s skin to help to identify the needle insertion point.
Does it need calibrating for different patients?
No, this is not required. Simply switch the device on and it’s ready for use on all patient skin types.
Novarix recommends the use of the dedicated disposable covers for limiting possible cross
contamination and enabling the device to glide easily over the patient’s skin if clammy or sweaty.
The specific make-up of a patients’ tissue will mean that results may vary.
Is it harmful to patients?
No. The IV-eye falls into Class I for eye safety, meaning that it is intrinsically safe and that no
protective eyewear is required by users or patients, even if the patient's pupils are dilated or they
have an impaired blink reflex. Using auto exposure algorithms, the device only uses the
minimum amount of near infrared light required to achieve a high quality image. This class of eye
safety also applies to the red index light. In addition, the IV-eye has been designed to be safe on a
patient’s skin, with an automatic power off after 5 minutes of continuous use, preventing any heat
build-up from the LEDs.