JADAK FM-8/FM-9 User’s Manual
Trigger Time Out
This sets the maximum time how long the trigger procession continues during a scan attempt.
This command is not valid in Presentation Trigger Mode.
Several commonly used Trigger Time Out menu command barcodes are included below.
Use the command
(where ‘x’ is a value between 0 and 300.000 in milliseconds)
set the time between 1ms and 300 seconds. Default = 9900 (9.9 Seconds).
Alternatively, you can scan the TRGTIME menu barcode below and then scan the value
barcodes and the SAVE code in
consecutively to set a custom Trigger Time.
TRGTIME 0 sets an infinite Trigger Time Out.
Sample settings:
Infinite Trigger Time Out
Trigger Time Out 1.0 seconds
Trigger Time Out 5.0 seconds
* Trigger Time Out 9.9 seconds
Multiple Symbols Mode
This sets the option to
allow you to read multiple symbols with a single pull of the trigger. If you
press and hold the trigger, aiming at a series of symbols, it will read unique symbols once,
beeping (if turned on) for each read. The engine attempts to find and decode new symbols as
long as the trigger is pulled, and the same symbol will not be read more than once. When
Multiple Symbols Mode is turned off, the engine will only read the symbol closest to the aiming
beam. Default = Off.
Multiple Symbol Mode On
* Multiple Symbol Mode Off