NovaLynx Corporation________________________________________________________________________________
Page 12
April 2021
there may be a break in the cable or the magnets are not near enough to activate the switch. Check
the distance between the cup assembly and the base. The gap should be about 1/16" (1.6 mm).
Potentiometer Electrical Test
Wind vane calibration involves checking the potentiometer output and verification of the sensor
alignment to north.
Set the ohm-meter to the 20k range (or greater range if needed). Connect the black meter lead to the
black sensor wire, and the red meter lead to the red sensor wire. The reading on the meter should be a
stable output of about 20,000 ohms (+/-20%). Rotate the vane once around while watching the meter
to ensure the reading does not change.
Connect the red meter lead to the green wire. Observe that the meter reading changes as you rotate
the vane. Check the "dead band" where the meter goes to "infinite" and verify that the counterweight
is pointing the same direction as the NORTH label on the base of the sensor. Now rotate the vane
slowly clockwise and observe that the resistance changes smoothly from near zero to the maximum
just before hitting the "dead band" again as you approach north.
If the "dead band" does not align with the NORTH label then the position of the vane can be changed
to correct the alignment:
Using a 1/16" Allen wrench, loosen the potentiometer set screw located on one side of the hub.
Lift upwards to remove the vane assembly from the sensor. Note that the potentiometer body is
bonded to the sensor body and should not move.
Using an ohmmeter to monitor the potentiometer output, turn the potentiometer shaft until the
center of the gap is located. You may wish to make a mark on the shaft aligned to the NORTH label.
Aim the counterweight in the same direction as the NORTH label and carefully lower the hub onto
the potentiometer shaft. Tighten the set screw.
There must be a small gap between the hub
and the cup assembly below, to allow the cups to turn freely.
Check your work by observing the meter as you swing the vane across north.
The working elements of the sensor (potentiometer, anemometer cup assembly and shaft) can be
replaced as a unit. Order NovaLynx 200-WS-02E-ASSY or 200-WS-02F-ASSY depending on the type of
sensor you wish to repair. The kit includes 40 feet of cable. Save the wind vane and base from your
current sensor to complete the repair.