NAC and Panel Circuit Coding
Appendix A: Special Zone Operation
NFS-640 Operations Manual P/N 51334:B 10/03/2003
NAC and Panel Circuit Coding
Overview of Coding
A Coding selection is the Code Type that pulses when the control panel activates a NAC or Panel
Circuit mapped to Special Zone F8. Special Zone F8 provides seven coding selections (see Table 17)
that you can list in the CBE of a NAC or a Panel Circuit (ICM-4 or CRM-4). To use a Code Type,
program a NAC or Panel Circuit to list Zone F8 (reserved for a Code Type) in the NAC or Panel Circuit
CBE list.
Control modules (FCM-1, FRM-1, XP5-C) can not be coded.
The table below contains descriptions of the signals that correspond to each NAC Code Type:
Table 17 F8 Code Types and Audio Signals
How to View Coding (F8) Selections
You can use the Read Status Entry option to view the current selection for the Coding function. To do
so, press the following keys in sequence:
For instructions on programming the Coding function, refer to the
NFS-640 Programming Manual.
The LCD display shows the current selections for the Code Type. Figure 47 shows a sample LCD
display of a Code Type selection of March Time:
Figure 47 Sample Read Status for Coding Function
How to Respond to an Alarm with Coding
If an alarm occurs with a Coding selection, the control panel latches the control panel in alarm and
pulses outputs mapped to F8 at the pulse specified by the Coding selection (see Table 17). To silence the
outputs, press the
Coding Selection
March Time (default)
120 PPM (pulses Per minute)
Default selection for NACs and Panel Circuits mapped to F8.
Alert signal (20 PPM) or General
Alarm signal (Temporal pattern)
Alert signal – When an alarm occurs and not activated by
another zone, the output pulses at 20 PPM.
General Alarm signal – If not acknowledged within 5 minutes,
the control panel switches from 20 PPM to Temporal pattern.
ICM-4/ICE-4 modules do not support Two-Stage.
10 sec. On, 5 sec. Off, repeats
ICM-4 modules – to enable California code, cut D35 on
ICM-4 modules. If D35 is not cut, California code does not
pulse and ICM-4/ICE-4 modules pulse steady.
0.5 on, 0.5 off, 0.5 on, 0.5 off,
0.5 on, 1.5 off, repeats
Used as a standard general EVAC signal.
Canadian Dual Stage
(3 minutes)
Alert signal (20 PPM)
Drill Switch activation
switches to Temporal pattern
Same as Two-Stage except will only switch to second stage by
activation of Drill Switch three minute timer.
Canadian Dual Stage
(5 minutes)
Alert signal (20 PPM)
Drill Switch activation
switches to Temporal pattern
Same as Two-Stage except will only switch to second stage by
activation of Drill Switch five minute timer.
System Sensor Strobe
Synchronizes System Sensor ADA horn/strobes.
Coding Function status banner
Zone F08
Coding selection
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