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chapter 1  


before testing any of the electrical components, check the oil tank, oil pick-up filter and the oil pick-up hose. We recommend starting by 

checking the oil pick-up filter for obstructions then, test the oil pick-up hose for leaks. Replace the hose if necessary. To pump the required 

oil volume, two-stroke engine oil must be present in the oil tank. Replenish oil if necessary. 

chapter 2



Secondly, disconnect the oil hose from the connection on the carburettor. To visually check that an oil supply is present, the high-Speed 

Cut-Off machine has to be started. We recommend to pouring some pre-mixed fuel, such as Aspen®, into the fuel tank. This ensures the 

presence of lubrication while testing.  Start the engine and look out for any oil supply in the oil hose. If no oil is pumped through the hose, 

stop the engine and commence with finding the fault. 

chapter 3



When the high-Speed Cut-Off machine is started, the low revolutions produce voltage from the magneto wheel and the generator g1. This 

voltage serves the electronic module A2. To test the electronic module A2, this voltage is simulated by an external voltage source. 

Proceed as follows:

1.  The oil pump electronic system is linked to the external voltage source at the green connection points (x13x14). 
2.  Adjust the external voltage source to 12 V~AC.
3.  Disconnect the plug-in connection x11/x21 of the blue cable and the plug=in connection x12/x22 of the white cable. Adjust the voltage 

tester to 10 V= DC.  

a.  Place the black test probe on the blue cable connection (X11 Earth). 

b.  Place the red test probe on the white cable connection (X12 Positive). 

4.  The ignition module is only enabled with a positive voltage of 5 V= DC. The module is not enabled with a voltage of 0V* = No 

acceleration of the engine is possible. 

5.  (*At 0V check why there is no oil in the line i.e. why there is no oil visible in the supply hose. Refer to schematic diagram). 
6.  If there is voltage of 5 V but no acceleration of the engine, either the cable connection x16 or the ignition module A1 is defective. 
7.  Test for continuity from x21 to earth (for example the fastening screw for the starter housing). No continuity = break in the cable or 

contact problems with the plug x16/x26. 

8.  Test for continuity from x22 to the yellow cable in the plug x16. No continuity = break in the cable or contact problems with the plug 


9.  Do visual check of the cables and the push-in connection x21/22 to the ignition module A1.

cP512-300i & cP514-350i HIGH-sPeeD GAs sAWs 

