After 7-8 pushes the TrekRaft is so
far filled. Now you unplug the filling
bag and close the valve.
: Close the valve tightly.
Otherwise you will have there
coming less air out continuously
and your TrekRaft will not stay
inflated as it should.
If some air evades that isn’t big of
a deal! The actual pressure is
generated in the next step.
Generating pressure:
Please open the long valve and
blow a few times into it till enough
air is in the boat.
Blow up the boat till there is
enough pressure it. If you do that
by your own (without a pump)
there is no danger that too much
pressure will be generated.
TrekRaft with deck
– Installation and handling of the coaming
The coaming
is going to be installed when there’s just a little air in the TrekRaft . The
procedure of assembling and disassembling of the coaming must be followed, because the
connection takes damage very easily! Please read the procedure carefully.
Take the four parts of the coaming
and lay them down, so that the
short parts and the long parts lay
beside each other, like shown on
the left.