OM944T 10/08
Operating Procedures
1. Check the water level by removing the pressure
cap from the expansion tank. In order to give the
cooling water an opportunity to expand, the level
should be about 1 in. (2.5 cm) below the filler cap
sealing surface when the engine is cold.
CAUTION: Use protective clothing and open
the filler cap carefully when the engine is warm
to prevent burns.
2. Check the oil level in the crankcase with the
dipstick. The oil level must be between high and
low marks on the stick. Never allow the level to go
below this area. Always add the same viscosity of
oil as is already in the crankcase.
3. Check the fuel tank level and open any fuel valves
on the tank and at the secondary fuel filter.
4. Close the sea-cock, check and clean the sea strainer,
and reopen the sea-cock.
5. Place the battery switch in the ON position.
NOTE: The battery switch must always be kept ON
while the engine is running. If the switch is
turned OFF while the engine is running,
the battery charging alternator could be
1. The first 100 hours on a new or reconditioned
engine are critical to its life and performance.
2. Constantly check the engine temperature and oil
pressure gauges.
3. Oil consumption is greater during break-in as
piston rings take time to seat.
4. Break-In Oil Changes: Change engine oil and
filter at 50 hours. Change oil and filter again at
100 hours (consult Lubricants section for oil
Operating Instructions:
Maintain at least a 75% load on your generator
set for the first 100 hours. If this is not possible,
maintain no less than a 50% load to ensure proper
seating of the piston rings. Vary the load to help
seat the rings.