OM944T 10/08
1. Your unit is fitted with a system to protect it from
high water temperature or low oil pressure.
a. Generator sets have shutdown systems to stop
the engine. They have no warning horns.
b. Other alarms and shutdowns are available as
optional equipment.
NOTE: If your unit is equipped with optional
shutdowns and alarms, do not rely on your
warning or shutdown system to the exclusion
of careful gauge monitoring. Watching your
gauges can prevent damage to the unit and
dangerous power losses.
2. Do the following when your warning or shutdown
system is activated:
a. Check the temperature gauge. If above 205° F
(96° C), shut off the engine immediately.
b. Use the Trouble Shooting Guide on page 25 to
isolate the cause of the overheat.
CAUTION: Do not remove the water fill
cap of an overheated engine. Escaping high
temperature steam can cause severe burns. Allow
the engine to cool and then remove the cap slowly
using protective clothing.
c. Make repairs and restart after the temperature
gauge registers below 200° F (94° C).
d. Watch the temperature gauge regularly and
turn off the unit if the temperature rises above
205° F (96° C). Repeat troubleshooting.
3. If shutdown is activated and the temperature gauge
shows temperature within normal temperature range:
a. Check the engine crankcase oil level.
b. If the oil level is low, fill with recommended
lubricating oil and restart. Watch the oil pressure
gauge carefully and shut off the engine if it does
not show a normal reading (20-60 PSI) after a
few seconds of operation.
c. If the oil level is normal, DO NOT restart the
engine. Call your dealer for assistance.
Operating Procedures
1. ADE recommends that you keep the following
spare parts on hand for field service. The parts are
available from your local Northern Lights dealer.
Some marine models may already have “On-Board
Kits,” a handy box that contains the most common
parts you will need.
a. Primary and secondary fuel filter elements
b. Oil filters
c. Air filter elements
d. Alternator belt
e. Thermostat and gaskets
f. Seawater pump impeller and gaskets
g. Glow plugs
h. Injector and washer
2. If your set is operating a long distance from a
servicing dealer, add the following:
a. Complete set of injectors
b. Copper washers for injector change
c. Complete set of glow plugs
d. Fuel lift pump