4-10 Installing the Aculab E1/PRI signaling option
Standard 1.0 July 1997
Enter the number of the country where this system is
to be installed. ?
For CAS, the supported responses are
3 (Belgium)
4 (Brazil)
5 (China)
16 (Malaysia)
17 (Mexico)
34 (EEMA—Ericsson E&M)
1. Australia
18. Morocco
2. Austria
19. Netherlands
3. Belgium
20. New Zealand
4. Brazil
21. Norway
5. China
22. Portugal
6. Denmark
23. South Africa
7. Finland
24. Spain
8. Germany
25. Sweden
9. Hong Kong
26. Switzerland
10. Hungary
27. United Kingdom
11. Italy
28. United States
12. Israel
29. 1TR6
13. Japan
30. DASS2
14. Korea
15. Luxembourg
32. ETS300
16. Malaysia
33. VN3
17. Mexico
34. EEMA