The descriptions below are various functional components
that affect the operation and shutting down of this furnace.
Some of these components and their locations are shown
component of the furnace must be replaced, use only factory
authorized replacement parts specified in the Replacement
Parts List provided online.
Condensate Drain Switch:
The Condensate Drain Switch
will shut down the furnace if the condensate drain from the
Collector Pan becomes clogged.
Blower Limit Switch:
Prevents operation when blower is
not operational.
Flame Sensor:
Verifies when a flame has carried over from
the igniter to the opposite end burner. If no flame is detected,
the furnace will shut down within 4 seconds.
Flame Roll-Out Switch:
Verifies that the burner flames are
drawn into the heat exchanger tubes. If the burner flames are
not properly drawn into the heat exchanger, the flame roll-out
switch will close the gas valve and initiate the shutdown cycle.
Gas Valve:
Controls the flow of gas to the burners. When the
gas valve is energized it automatically opens and regulates
the gas pressure in the manifold.
Inducer Assembly:
Vents products of combustion to the
Pressure Switches:
Verifies that the inducer is drawing
the combustion gases through the heat exchanger. The
pressure switch prevents furnace operation with excessive
flue/condensate blockage or improper inducer operation.
Supply Air Limit Switch:
Prevents the air temperature
leaving the furnace from exceeding the maximum allowable
outlet air temperature.