© Norsat International Inc.
(“Norsat”) All Rights Reserved
2021-09-02 052910 Rev E
ok fault 0 47.3 39.2 temp 46 unmutetime 308
A “0” after “fault” indicates no faults. A “1” indicates a fault. Use command “getfaults” to determine
what fault exists.
“fwdpwr” is RF Forward Power in dBm. Values are provided with 0.1dBm resolution.
“revpwr” is RF Reverse Power in dBm. Values are provided with 0.1dBm resolution.
Temperature is in degrees C. The temperature scale is from
–40 to 125 C, with approximately
+/- 2 degrees C accuracy.
Unmute Time in ticks since the device was last muted.
This command obtains fault information from the ATOM device, including over temperature fault, PLL fault,
power fault, and IF-over-input fault.
For “overtemp”, “PLL”, “power”, and “overinput” faults, a value of 0 means no fault of the specific type has
occurred and a value of 1 indicates a fault has occurred.
The “mute” status is controlled by mute-on-fault setting. When mute-on-fault is active, and the device is
physically muted, a value of “0” indicates that the muting was not caused by a fault. A value of “1” indicates
that the muting was caused by a fault. When mute-on-
fault is inactive, “mute” status always shows a value
of “0”.
ok power 0 pll 0 overtemp 0 mute 0 overinput 0
This command obtains mute-on-fault setting from the ATOM device. Refer to Table 2-5 for more details.
This command configures mute-on-fault setting for the ATOM device. When set to on, the device mutes
when any fault occurred. Refer to Table 2-5 for more details.
This command manually clears the Over Temperature Fault for the ATOM device if the current System
Temperature comes between the device’s temperature Trip Point and Reset Point. This command is
ignored and returns “err” if the current System Temperature is between the device’s temperature Trip Point
and Reset Point. By default, Over Temperature fault is automatically cleared when the System Temperature
drops below the device’s Temperature Reset Point.