Individual packed items are packed according to the expected transportation conditions.
5.1 Transport
Damage of the valve
Packaging is intended to protect the indi-
vidual components against transportati-
on damage, corrosion and other damage
until they are installed.
Transport the valve in the delivery
Do not throw packaged units.
Do not drop packaged units.
Only remove the packaging just before
Check package on delivery to make
sure it is complete and has not been dama-
ged in transit.
5.2 Storage
The safety valves are packed for immediate
installation upon delivery.
If they are going to be stored for extended
periods, please:
Leave the packed units in the box they
were shipped in.
Do not store them outdoors.
Store them in a dry, dust-free place.
Don‘t expose them to aggressive media,
such as salty air.
Protect them from direct sunlight.
Storage temperature: +15 °C bis +35 °C
Relative humidity: max. 90 %
4 Labelling
The type plate is attached on the valve body.
The following information appears on the type plates
Identification number
Operating pressure range
Norgren date code, 5 digits, year / week / day
Digit 1-2:
Year of manufacture
2001 = A1
2010 = B0
2011 = B1
Digit 3-4:
Week of manufacture (calendar
Digit 5:
Day of manufacture
Sonday = 1
Monday = 2
Example: A1225 = 31. Mai 2001
5 Transport and storage
Our policy is one of continued research and development. We therefore reserve the right to amend,
without notice, the specifi cations given in this document. © 2014 Norgren Ltd