for wiring and setting, preferably in a living
or adjoining room.
Locate on an inside wall.
Do not locate where influenced by abnor-
mal heat, such as from sunlight, radio,
T.V., or lamps.
Do not locate where influenced by abnor-
mal cold, such as on an outside wall, on a
wall separating an unheated room,
near drafts from stairwells or doors, or
close to windows.
Do not locate where air circulation is poor,
such as behind open doors, in corners or
alcoves, or close to furniture.
The heat anticipator of the thermostat should be
adjusted to .4 amps for power oil models, and
.9 for power gas direct ignition models.
Room Thermostat Connections
Run R and W from the thermostat to the
burner compartment.
Connect R to one of the low voltage
terminals on the burner.
Connect W to the other low voltage terminal
on the burner.
Constant Blower Operation
The FAN ON and OFF switch is located on top
of the control box. This switch provides either
automatic operation of the blower through the
thermostat or constant blower operation.
Fan Limit Switch
The fan limit switch closes and turns on the main
blower after a period of burner ON time when
thermostat calls for heat. The fan limit switch
opens after the thermostat is satisfied. The
blower operates a period of burner OFF time
and turns the blower off.
Supply Air Limit Switch
The supply air limit switch is the safety device
that prevents the furnace from exceeding the
maximum allowable outlet temperature.
Auxiliary Limit
This furnace is equipped with an auxiliary manual
reset limit. This limit is designed to function
("trip") in the event of a blower motor failure. If
the limit trips, reset the limit by firmly pressing
the red button in the center of the limit. The limit
is located on the left hand side of the blower
assembly. If the limit will not reset, continues to
trip, or the blower does not function, notify your
NORDYNE Distributor or Service PRO
Figure 15. Direct Ignition Gas Valve