Nordpeis X-20 F User Manual Download Page 11

Assembling and adjusting the legs FIG 4

The insert is delivered with adjustable legs. The legs 

are mounted on to the insert using the added bolts and 


Fasten the screws on to the insert with a 13 mm 



Adjust legs to the desired height before returning the 

insert to an upright position 

(do not tilt the insert)


The height varries according to the surround. 

Rear flue gas connection FIG 5, 6, 7

To utilize the rear connection on the insert, do as 


1. Remove the rear radiation shield FIG 5.

2. Remove the cut in the rear radiation shield, use  

    protective gloves. 

3. Remove the plate covering the rear connection (two

    allen screws).

4. Remove the flue collar (two allen screws).

5. Move the flue collar to the rear outlet and the cover

    plate to the top connection (use the same screws).

6. Put back rear shield on the insert. 

Flue collar and connection

Attention! Our inserts are prepared for connecting 

the smoke pipe on the outside of the flue collar 



Alternative versions of the flue collar exist due to 

National requirements. For the flue connection to the 

chimney, follow the recomenndations from the chimney 


Assmebling Upper Covers FIG 8, 9, 10

1. Place rear upper cover on the insert as it is shown 

    on FIG 8. 

2. Loosen the screw shown on the FIG 9 - Detail A, 

    unscrewing it by approximately 720 degree. 

3. Take front upper cover - place on the Insert. 

    Pay attention that small assembling plates, on the 

    cover side, have to be inserted to the side slots of 

    rear cover. See FIG 9 & 10. 

4. The assembling is completed when cover is fastened 

    by the screw - FIG 10 - Detail D. 

Removing the self closing door mechanism FIG 11

The self closing mechanism is located on the bottom 

hinge. To deactivate it, carefully unhook the long end of 

the spring. To completely the spring, remove the door as 

shown in 

FIG 12

Removing the door FIG 12

Remove door protection (A). Carefully lift the door up 

(B) and pull it out at the bottom (C). 

Attention! Be carefull to lift the door high enough so that 

the hinge does not scratch the paint on the frame. 

The door is installed by following the same steps in 

reverse order 

FIG 12.

Operational control

When the insert is in upright position, and prior 

to mounting the surround, control that all functions are 

easy to maneuver and appear satisfactory. The X-20F 

insert is equiped only with an Ignition vent control


Ignition vent control

Left position (-) = minimum ignition air

Right position (+) = maximum ignition air

5. Lighting a fire for the first time 

When the insert is assembled and all instructions have 

been observed, a fire can be lit. 

Take care when inserting logs into the burn chamber, in 

order not to damage the Thermotte plates. 

The horizontal mark on the back of the combustion 

chamber indicates maximum intended woodloading 

hight. See drawing FIG 13. 

Please note that there might 

be some humidity in the insulation lates which can result 

in a slower burn rate the first few times the insert is 

used. This will be resolved once the humidity has 

evaporated. If needed leave the door slightly open the 

first 2-3 times the insert is used. 

It is advisable to ventilate the room well when using 

for the first time as the varnish on the product may 

release some smoke or smell

. Both the smoke and 

smell will disappear and are not hazardous. 

Lighting a fire

Insert small, dry pieces of wood, ignite and ensure the 

flames have a good grip of the wood before closing the 

door. Open the 

ignition vent control

 as you close the 

door. When the flames are stable and the chimney is 

warm, close the ignition vent control. If it is not closed 

the insert and chimney may overheat


When there is a glowing layer of ash, new wood logs 

can be inserted. Pull the hot ember to the front of the 

combustion chamber when inserting new logs so that 

the wood is ignited from the front. Keep the door slightly 

open each time new logs are inserted so that the flames 

get established. The fire should burn with bright and 

lively flames.



Using the insert with low combustion effect and firing 

around the clock increase pollution as well as the risk 

for a fire in the chimney. Never allow the insert or flue to 





Summary of Contents for X-20 F

Page 1: updated 21 10 2014 6 E A B C D F 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 G IN 0X20F 010 X20F Insert WEIGHT 91 90 kg MATERIAL A2 SHEET 1 OF 1 SCALE 1 5 NAME DATE SIGNATURE NAME APPV D CHK D DRAWN P abi ski D Krzy ania...

Page 2: ...Oppdriften styres hovedsaklig av r ykgasstemperatur utetemperatur lufttilf rsel og skorsteinens h yde og innvendige diameter Anbefalt skorsteinsh yde er minst 4 meter over r ykinnf ringen og en diamet...

Page 3: ...mumsavstand fra utluftskanal til tak mm 400 Nominell effekt kW 5 kW Virkningsgrad 82 CO 13 O2 0 1 R ykgasstemperatur C 255 C Trekk Pa 12 Pa Brensel Ved Vedlengde cm 30 Ileggsmengde kg 1 32 Ileggsinter...

Page 4: ...kan gi en treg forbrenning de f rste opptenningene Dette vil l se seg n r fuktigheten fordamper Fyr evt med d ren p gl tt de 2 3 f rste gangene S rg ogs for god utluftning ved f rste fyring da lakken...

Page 5: ...aldt Kontroller regelmessig at overgangen mellom glasset og d ren er helt tett Stram eventuelt til skruene som holder glasset p plass men ikke for hardt da dette kan f re til at glasset sprekker Med j...

Page 6: ...som bj rk b k eik alm ask og frukttre kan brukes som brensel i innsatsen Tresorter har forskjellige hardhetsgrader jo h yere hardhetsgrad veden har desto h yere er energiverdien B k eik og bj rk har...

Page 7: ...d eller bygg ny pipe med st rre tverrsnitt Evt montering av r yksuger For lav pipe som gir d rlig trekk k pipeh yden og eller monter pipehatt r yksuger Ildstedet ryker inne n r det er vind ute Pipen l...

Page 8: ...ligheter for ildsted og r ykr r Er ildstedet sikret nok tilf rsel av forbrenningsluft via lufteventiler Er r ykr ret montert i skorstenen etter skorstensprodusentens anvisninger Er skorstenen egnet fo...

Page 9: ...flammable wall Chimney draft Compared with older models the clean burning inserts of today put significantly higher demands on the chimney Even the best insert will not work properly if the chimney d...

Page 10: ...ue connector recommended Pa 14 25 Data according to EN 13 229 Area of convection air vent under insert cm2 300 Area of convection air vent over insert cm2 350 Minimum distance conv air outlet to ceili...

Page 11: ...door high enough so that the hinge does not scratch the paint on the frame The door is installed by following the same steps in reverse order FIG 12 Operational control When the insert is in upright...

Page 12: ...n the burn chamber FIG 2 contribute to a high combustion temperature which leads to cleaner combustion of the wood and a higher rate of efficiency Any fissures in the plates will not reduce their insu...

Page 13: ...before you use the appliance again lid that will prevent the wood from drying Always keep a small amount of wood indoors for a few days before use so that moisture in the surface of the wood can evap...

Page 14: or build new chimney with a larger cross section Possibly install a smoke suction device The chimney is too low and hence a poor draught Increase the height of the chimney and or install a chimn...

Page 15: ...e modeller st ller dagens renbr nnande insatser betydligt h gre krav p skorstenen Om skorstenen inte har r tt m tt eller r i d ligt skick spelar det ingen roll hur bra eldstaden r Draget beror huvudsa...

Page 16: ...onvektionsluft ventil ovanf r insatsen cm 350 Minsta avst nd fr n konvek tionsluftutlopp till tak mm 400 Varning Utsugsfl ktar som r i drift i samma rum eller utrymme som kaminen kan orsaka problem No...

Page 17: ...nedtill C Obs Var noga med att lyfta luckan tillr ckligt h gt s att g ngj rnet inte repar ramens lack Luckan monteras p samma s tt men i omv nd ord ningsf ljd FIG 12 Funktionskontroll N r insatsen st...

Page 18: ...oplatta C R kv ndarplatta D Bakplatta E H ger sida nedtill C V nster sida nedtill G Botten H Fronten nedtill Se ven ritningarna i FIG 14 19 Observera Eldning med f r l ng ved orsakar extra be lastning...

Page 19: ...r skorstensbrand ska luckan och lufttillf rseln till insatsen st ngas Kalla sedan p brandk ren Efter en skorstensbrand m ste skorstenen alltid inspekteras av en beh rig sotare innan du f r anv nda kam...

Page 20: ...ndre eldstad eller bygg ny skorsten med st rre tv rsnitt Montera eventuellt en r ksug Skorstenen r f r kort och ger d rf r d ligt drag F rl ng skorstenen och eller montera skorstenshatt eller r ksug E...

Page 21: n l pi Savupiipun veto Vanhempiin malleihin verrattuna nykyp iv n takkasy d met asettavat merkitt v sti tiukemmat vaatimukset savupiipulle Paraskaan takkasyd n ei toimi oikein jos savupiippu ei ole...

Page 22: ...n ala tak kasyd men p ll cm2 350 Minimiet isyys konvektioilmalii t nn n ja katon v lill mm 400 Nimellinen l mmitysteho kW 5 0 Hy tysuhde 82 CO 13 O2 0 1 Savukaasujen l mp tila C 255 Alipaine Pa 13 Su...

Page 23: ...en toistamalla edell kuva tut vaiheet k nteisess j rjestyksess KUVA 12 K ytt Kun takkasyd n on pystyasennossa varmista ennen kuoren asennusta ett kaikkia toimintoja on helppo k ytt ja ett ne toimivat...

Page 24: ...laetulevy Katso my s piirrokset KUVA 14 19 Huomaa Liian pitk t halot voivat aiheuttaa j nnityksi ja halkaista levyt sivulevyjen v lille syntyvien j nnitysten vuoksi Huomaa ett Thermotte levyist voi ko...

Page 25: ...melkein kiinni T st syyst palotilaa ei tulisi koskaan t ytt kokonaan Varoitus L koskaan k yt tulen sytytt miseen sytytysnesteit kuten bensiini kerosiinia alko holia tai vastaavaa Se voisi vahingoittaa...

Page 26: ...liian pieni eik savupiippu pysty poistamaan kaikkea savua Vaihda pienemp n takkaan tai pystyt uusi suurempi savupiippu Asenna savuimuri tarvittaessa Savupiippu on liian matala mist on seurauksena huo...

Page 27: ...8 P abi ski D Krzy aniak Q0 This document is Nordpeis Northstar Sp z o o exclusive intellectual property It must be treated as strictly confidential and must not be copied or communicated to any third...

Page 28: ...hstar Sp z o o exclusive intellectual property It must be treated as strictly confidential and must not be copied or communicated to any third person without Nordpeis Northstar Sp z o o written permis...

Page 29: ...NO You need following tools 24 mm 13 mm 10 mm 5 mm 4 mm Du trenger f lgende verkt y GB Du beh ver f ljande verktyg SE Tarvitset seuraavia ty kaluja FI 29...

Page 30: ...Thermotte A B C D E F G H FIG 2 30...

Page 31: ...FIG 3 C A B D FIG 4 185 215 330 46 13 mm 24 mm 185 215 345 46 Montering Assembling Montering Asennus 31...

Page 32: ...FIG 5 FIG 6 10 mm 5 mm 32...

Page 33: ...FIG 7 FIG 8 33...

Page 34: ...FIG 10 FIG 9 34...

Page 35: ...FIG 11 FIG 12 35...

Page 36: ...ving Baffle plate protection bracket SE Borttagning av transports kringen Ilmanohjainlevyn suojakannakkeen irrottaminen NO Maks ved mengde merke GB Max wood load mark SE Markering f r maximal ved p fy...

Page 37: ...FIG 14 FIG 15 NO Vedlikehold GB Maintenance SE Underh ll FI Kunnossapito 4 mm x2 37...

Page 38: ...FIG 17 FIG 16 38...

Page 39: ...FIG 19 FIG 18 39...

Page 40: ...FIG 20 FIG 21 40...

Page 41: ...etter siste ilegg Se til at det ikke er gl r f r bruk av askesugeren SE Varning Aska kan inneh lla br nnande tr kol upp till 48 timmar efter att senaste brasan slocknat Kontrollera att det inte finns...

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Page 44: ...Nordpeis AS Gjellebekkstubben 11 N 3420 LIERSKOGEN Norway www nordpeis no...
