Easy pit
There are 2 drylines included. These can be attached to the inner hooks
above each door/window opening for storage or drying. Sliding alu loop rings are
installed for attaching gear / light.
Different for Midgard 20:
There are 4 inner corner sockets, these can be used for adding 2 more inner
poles (Item no. 107164 )
There are 8 more peg points at the doors – and additionally 8 pegs for these
(20 cm nail)
Now bring the 2 large poles inside. The foot / ground end is expandable and this
must be in the collapsed state. Point the non – extractable end towards the cen-
ter top Nordisk turtle hub, and insert, then point the extractable end towards to
matching socket corner and start to extract the pole into tension. Repeat for the
second pole. Then extract both as much as you can to apply tension to the tent.
Once this is done, go outside and apply tension to all 4 doors. Re-stretch the peg
points at the corners, and drive these into a solid state, then apply tension on
the webbing puller so it is tight. You can repeat at all peg and pole
adjuster points for optimal