Doc. ID 4414_003 v1.2
Page 18
Chapter 4
System overview
This chapter describes the functionality of the remote control including how it can be used for development
There are two main hardware components in the reference design:
• nRFready Smart Remote 3 DK add-on (nRF6932)
• nRFready Smart Remote 3 nRF51 product example (nRF6933)
When the Smart Remote 3 DK add-on (nRF6932) is inserted into a nRF51 DK, you have a functioning remote
control (see
Assemble the Smart Remote 3 hardware
on page 9 for instructions). The term remote control
refers to the Smart Remote 3 product example (nRF6933) or Smart Remote 3 DK add-on (nRF6932) after it is
inserted into the nRF51 DK.
Figure 2: The remote control with a connected TV
Communication in the system is digital and packet-based, which means that data between the remote control
and the host is exchanged as discrete packets of information. The nRF device checks the status of the trackpad
and the keypad matrix before sending this information to the host. The driver on the computer decodes the
packages allowing you to use the remote control as both a pointing device and keypad.
The term host refers to a
low energy compliant device which supports the HID-
over-GATT profile. Windows 10, for instance, natively supports the HID-over-GATT profile provided
there is
low energy hardware connected to the system. A computer with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS,
Nordic Voice System (NVS) package and
4.0 dual-mode (low energy) hardware can also be a
For further details on the software and firmware included, please consult the firmware documentation, code
API, or the code itself.