To the maximum extent permitted by
applicable law, under no circumstances shall
Nokia or any of its licensors be responsible
for any loss of data or income or any special,
incidental, consequential or indirect
damages howsoever caused.
The contents of this document are provided
"as is". Except as required by applicable law,
no warranties of any kind, either express or
implied, including, but not limited to, the
implied warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose, are made in
relation to the accuracy, reliability or
contents of this document. Nokia reserves
the right to revise this document or withdraw
it at any time without prior notice.
The availability of products, features, apps,
and services may vary by region. For more
info, contact your Nokia dealer or your
service provider. This device may contain
commodities, technology or software
subject to export laws and regulations from
the US and other countries. Diversion
contrary to law is prohibited.
Nokia does not provide a warranty for or take
any responsibility for the functionality,
content, or end-user support of third-party
apps provided with your device. By using an
app, you acknowledge that the app is
provided as is. Nokia does not make any
representations, provide a warranty, or take
any responsibility for the functionality,
content, or end-user support of third-party
apps provided with your device.
The availability of Nokia services may vary by