Service devices
Product specific devices
The table below gives a short overview of service devices that can be used for testing, error analysis, and
repair of product RM-598; RM-604. For the correct use of the service devices, and the best effort of workbench
setup, please refer to various concepts.
Flash adapter
FS-120 is equipped with a clip interlock system
provides standardised interface towards Control Unit
multiplexing between USB and FBUS media, controlled by VUSB
Module jig
MJ-239 is meant for component level troubleshooting.
The jig includes an RF interface for GSM and WCDMA. In addition, it has
the following features:
Provides mechanical interface with the engine module
Provides galvanic connection to all needed test pads in module
Multiplexing between USB and FBUS media, controlled by Vusb
MMC interface
Duplicated SIM connector
Connector for control unit
Access for AV- and USB connectors
Rework jigs and stencils
The table below gives a short overview of service devices that can be used for testing, error analysis, and
repair of product RM-598; RM-604. For the correct use of the service devices, and the best effort of workbench
setup, please refer to various concepts.
Soldering jig
RJ-230 is a soldering jig used for soldering and as a rework jig for the
engine module.
RM-598; RM-604
Service Devices and Service Concepts
Issue 1
Page 2 –5
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