Fee, etc.) still apply. If a transfer to Sprint is not successful, you will be
responsible for any discounts provided to you with the purchase of your
device. See our printed in-store materials or visit
additional important information on number transfers.
Available coverage areas for Services are generally identified in
our mapping brochures and at
. This may include coverage
on our digital network (the “Sprint Nationwide PCS Network”) as well as
coverage we make available to you through agreements with other carriers
(“off network” or “roaming” coverage).
All coverage maps are high level
representations of outdoor coverage and there are gaps in coverage within areas
shown as covered on the maps. Coverage is not available everywhere, nor can we
guarantee you will receive coverage at all times, or without interruptions or delays
(e.g., dropped calls, blocked calls, etc.) in the coverage areas we identify. Actual
coverage and quality of Services may be affected by conditions within or beyond
our control, including network problems, software, signal strength, your equipment,
structures (including buildings in which you may be located), atmospheric,
geographic, or topographic conditions.
Roaming Coverage.
You are roaming anytime your phone indicates that you
are roaming. Roaming coverage is only available with certain devices and,
unless included as part of your Services, will result in additional charges.
Roaming calls placed “manually” (through an operator or with a credit card)
will always incur separate and additional charges. Depending on your phone
settings, you may automatically roam if there is a gap or interruption in
coverage within the Sprint Nationwide PCS Network coverage area and
roaming coverage areas. See your phone guide for how to adjust phone
settings. Certain features and services may not be available in roaming
coverage areas (including PCS Vision, voicemail, call waiting, call
forwarding, etc.).
Carefully review the terms of your Services. You will be assessed
charges based on the terms of your Services including, without limitation,
monthly recurring charges and charges based on actual usage (e.g., charges
for long distance, roaming, call forwarding, directory assistance, etc.).
Airtime and other time based usage charges are calculated from when your
device first initiates contact with a network until the network connection is
broken, whether or not you were actually successful in connecting to the
intended destination. However, you will not be charged for voice calls that
ring and do not pick up, or if you get a busy signal. For voice calls received
by your device, you are charged from the time shortly before the phone
starts ringing until the call is terminated. You are charged for an entire voice
call based on the time period in which the call is initiated. Partial minutes of
use are rounded up to the next minute.