Icons shown on your phone
/ — You have unread messages sent to SIM1 or SIM2.
— You have unread messages sent to SIM1 and SIM2.
/ — You have unsent, cancelled, or failed messages from SIM1
or SIM2.
— You have unsent, cancelled, or failed messages from SIM1 and
— The touch screen and keys are locked.
— The phone doesn't ring when somebody calls or sends a
— An alarm is set.
/ — The phone is connected to a GPRS or EGPRS network using
/ — A GPRS or EGPRS connection from SIM1 is open.
/ — The GPRS or EGPRS connection from SIM1 is on hold.
— Bluetooth is on.
— All incoming calls to SIM1 or SIM2 are forwarded to
another number.
— All incoming calls to SIM1 and SIM2 are forwarded to another
— A headset is connected to the phone.
— The phone is connected to a device, such as a PC, with a USB