Patch Tutorial
First patch:
For your first patch, use a simple, short sound, like a pulse, snare, or click. Patch to In
L, and patch Out L and R to your mixer. Set the Blend, Index, Size, and Tone controls to
12:00 to start, and start in LIM mode.
To start, explore how Dense transforms your atmosphere between delay and reverb.
Play with Regen to change the size of your reverb, or the number of echoes in your
Next, tap in a tempo by hitting the Tap button, or patch a clock to Tap.
Use the Tone control to shape the atmosphere to your liking, and use the Index and
Speed controls to add some movement to your reverb.
Slow build
Set the atmosphere to DST. Set Size and Regen slightly above 12:00, and Dense fully
counterclockwise. Set Index, Blend, and Tone to 12:00. Patch Out L and R to your
mixer, and patch a short, plucky sound to the input. Slowly, the delay will build and
become more and more distorted. Play with Tone to shape the echoes as they distort.
Many forms
Set Index, Tone, Blend, and Size to 12:00. Set Regen to 11:00. Set Dense fully
counterclockwise. Patch in a short, percussive sound and patch Out L and R to your
mixer. Tap in a tempo, or patch a clock to Tap. Patch a slow LFO to the Dense CV input
and listen to how EV morphs from a delay to a reverb over time.
Delay sequence
Set Dense fully counterclockwise, and all other parameters to 12:00. Patch in a
percussive sound to the L In jack and patch Out L and R to your mixer. Patch a trigger
sequence to the Tap input and listen to the delay pattern that’s created.
Dark echos
Start with the “Delay sequence” patch, but with no triggers patched in, and Tone set to
11:00. This will filter the delays slightly, making them sound darker over time.
Experiment with different filter settings to create dark, ominous echos, or bright, cheery
delays past 12:00.