Press and hold the key for two second to turn on or off the instrument; press and
hold the key for less than two second to turn on or off the LCD backlight.
When the LCD backlight mode is on, the instrument will turn off the LCD backlight
automatically after a five-minute inactivity. After the automatic
turning off, press any key to turn the backlight on.
When the LCD backlight mode is off, press the power key to turn the
backlight on.
Comments on the Trigger Key:
Trigger Key is a label on top of the shell.
It is a touch switch.
Touch the label to trigger measurement.
3.4 Barcode Leveling Staff
Since electronic measurement is applied to this level, appropriate staff is required.
Please note that the measurement accuracy of the instrument depends on the
precision of the scale of the staff. The appropriate barcode leveling staff must be
employed to facilitate the use of this level.
4. Operating Instructions
4.1 Setup Stability
When setting up the tripod, make sure that the feet grip the ground without slipping
around. Level the head of the tripod as well as possible. Extend the tripod legs to a
comfortable height for observation. Tightly screw the instrument to the head plate.
Make sure that the instrument is fully charged before measuring.
4.2 Leveling
Screw the footscrew to level the instrument until the circular bubble is centered.
At this point, the sightline is horizontal. The circular bubble can be observed
directly through the image rotation prism (See 6.1 Circular Bubble).
4.3 Focusing and Sighting
Use the telescope to sight a piece of white paper or the sky. Turn the telescope
eyepiece until the line pattern of the crosshair is sharply defined. Observe through
the coarse sight. Move the instrument to approximately sight the leveling staff.
Turn the focusing hand wheel until there is no parallax and the staff is sharply
defined. Turn the horizontal tangent hand wheel until the vertical wire of the
crosshair is accurately on the center of the staff.
wire of the crosshair is accurately on the center of the staff.
4.4 Horizontal Angle Measurement
Align the vertical wire of the reticule with point A, and then the angle reading
of the graduate circle indicator will be
α. Turn the instrument and sight point
B, and then the angle reading of the graduate circle indicator will be