Pokémon Myster
y Dungeon
Explorers of Time
Pokémon Myster
y Dungeon
Explorers of Time
Friend CodeS
The friend code is a 12-digit number that is automatically assigned to you when you first connect
to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Exchange friend codes with your friends and register them on your
friend roster.
When you Can’T ConneCT
If you are unable to connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection,
you will see an error code and message. If this happens,
please see the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Instruction Booklet,
available at www.nintendo.com/consumer/manuals,
for more information.
Select and confirm “Nintendo WFC” on the Top Menu, then
“Register to Friend Roster.” Once a player’s friend code is
registered, you may directly communicate with that player over
Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. You may exchange friend codes using
wireless communication or directly key in the friend code using the
command “Enter Friend Code.” Your friend roster can register up
to 1 players.
regiSTering To your Friend roSTer
Select and confirm “Nintendo WFC” on the Top Menu, then “Sort
Friend Roster.” You can check the registered friend codes, edit, and
delete them. Select and confirm “Edit” on the selected friend code
to alter it and modify the team name. Once you and your friend
have exchanged and registered friend codes, whenever you both
connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection,
will appear.
managing your Friend roSTer
e-mail SeTTingS
your oWn Friend Code
Select and confirm “Nintendo WFC” on the Top Menu, then “My
Friend Code” to obtain or check your own friend code. Remember,
if you want to link with a certain player over Nintendo Wi-Fi
Connection, you both need to register each other’s friend codes first.
Select and confirm “Nintendo WFC” on the Top Menu, then “E-mail Settings” to register your
e-mail address (P. 31). Once registered, you will be notified by e-mail to your mobile phone, PC, or
Nintendo’s Wii system if anyone on your friend roster sends SOS Mail or other Mail over Nintendo
Wi-Fi Connection.
SeTTing your e-mail addreSS
1. Select and confirm “Nintendo WFC” on the Top Menu, then
“E-mail Settings,” then “Set e-mail address.” This will open the
screen for entering your e-mail address.
2. Enter the address where you want to receive e-mail. You will be
asked to enter it twice for confirmation. If there is a match, you
will be asked to confirm the e-mail address. Select and confirm
“Yes” if it is correct.
* Please make certain the e-mail address is correctly entered.
* Even after registering your e-mail address, it will not be revealed on
Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
* Your e-mail address may be up to 54 characters long. There are some
symbols that cannot be used, however.
* The e-mail address shown on the right is merely an example. Please enter the e-mail address you use on
your mobile phone, PC, and/or Nintendo’s Wii™ system.
* Please note that in some cases notification e-mails may not be received for up to two hours.
* If you enter a mobile phone e-mail address, standard text-message rates and charges may apply. Check
with your provider for more information. Nintendo has no responsibility or liability for such charges.
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