Pokémon Myster
y Dungeon
Explorers of Time
Pokémon Myster
y Dungeon
Explorers of Time
exploring dungeonS
Dungeons are filled with danger. But if you know how things work
in dungeons, you may be able to work your way out of sticky
situations. This is your chance to learn!
hoW To CheCk The dungeon map
FeaTureS oF mySTery dungeonS
Wonder Tiles
Team Members, Client
Outlaw Pokémon
As the name suggests, “mystery dungeons” are mysterious
places that change layout every time you enter them. Once
entered, you may not exit a dungeon until you reach its
final end or you are defeated and expelled. That’s why
you should be fully prepared with items before going on
a dungeon exploration. If you are defeated, you will lose
all your money and some of your items. You will also be
sent back to the guild or to a save point. The stairways in
dungeons are all one-way: once taken, you can’t return to
the previous floor. Also, if you spend too much time on the
same floor, you are automatically expelled from the dungeon as if you were defeated.
CommuniCaTion play modeS
Using communication modes, you can have even more fun with the game
by involving your friends. You can get friends to rescue your team if you are
defeated in a dungeon. Or you can go out on rescues yourself. This section
covers the communication play modes in detail.
WhaT The variouS modeS Can do
Friend Rescues
pelipper iSland
After you progress to a certain point in the story,
“Friend Rescue” will appear on the Top Menu.
Choosing this command transports you to Pelipper
Island, where you may register to go on a Friend
Rescue mission. There is also a Kangaskhan Storage,
a Duskull Bank, and a Chimecho Assembly so you may
prepare for your rescue mission.
Trade Items
Wonder Mail
Trade Team
E-mail Settings
Passwords (P. 35)
Yes (P. 21)
Yes (P. 25)
Yes (P. 25)
Yes (P. 25)
Yes (P. 33)
Yes (P. 34)
Yes (P. 34)
Yes (P. 2)
Yes (P. 35)
Yes (P. 35)
Wireless Communication (P. 20)
Nintendo WFC (P. 26)
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