Emblem of Courage
Receive an Emblem of Courage as you
complete each mission. These may come in
useful at a later point...
Chicken Coin (blue)
Used in the mini-game missions. 1 point is
received for each coin collected.
1 UP
Pick up to receive one extra life.
Chick Coin
Collect these to receive a special prize.
Chicken Coin (red)
Used in the mini-game missions. 5 points are
received for each coin collected.
Pick these up to grow the eggs. Larger food
items produce faster growth.
Forest Village
Elder: Oma-Oma
Billy begins his adventure in this
small forest village, centered around
a giant waterfall and a river leading
to a lake. Windmills can also be seen
dotted about the place.
Continue the game.
Restart the current mission.
Return to the Stage Select Screen.
Exit to the Title Screen.
Pause Menu
During gameplay, press START/PAUSE to bring up the Pause
menu and select from the following.
Pirates Island
Elder: Uri-Uri
A small island inhabited by a clan of
pirate chickens. A pirate ship with the
Crow Boss onboard passes nearby,
and there's also talk of buried treasure...
Dino Mountain
Elder: Ura-Ura
A mountain once occupied by
dinosaurs. Corrupted by the Crows,
fossilized dinosaur remains form 3
dangerous cliffs cascading red hot
magma and balls of molten lava.
A variety of items can be found within eggs and hidden around
the game field. Pick these up to improve your gameplay.
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