The Nilfisk-Advance Battery Chargers are designed to recharge deep-cycling lead acid batteries. A
ferroresonant transformer is used to provide a highly reliable, line compensating unit with a minimum of
moving parts, designed for long trouble-free service. The chargers are constructed so that all parts can be
tested and replaced with basic hand tools. In addition, an analog multimeter of 10,000 ohms per volt sensitivity
or better is required.
The Nilfisk-Advance battery charger is comprised of two basic sections; the transformer/rectifier or power
section, and the on/off control section.
The power or charging section consists of a transformer with its specified part number and rating capacitor and
rectifying diodes attached to a heat sink. The ammeter displays charging current and the fusing provides
electrical protection.
The transformer consists of primary coil or coils separated from the capacitor and secondary coils by a stack
of transformer grade steel pieces called a shunt pack. The transformer coils are wound with high temperature
double insulated magnet wire. The leads are covered with tan or black sleeving and all termination connectors
are crimped and soldered. The transformer must be properly connected in accordance with the correct wiring
diagram for each specific part number charger.
The capacitor functions in combination with the specific transformer to provide the correct charger output with
variation in AC line voltage. The correct part number and rating capacitor as listed on the parts list must be
used with the correct part number transformer and charger.
Use only the correct part number and rating capacitor. Use of a different capacitor may result in
improper charging, capacitor failure, transformer burnout and / or battery damage.
The rectifier diodes are attached to a heatsink plate or bracket that is fastened to, but electrically isolated from,
the charger chassis. Connection points are provided on the heatsink assembly with diodes. One connection
point is to the heatsink plate itself or a tab attached to it, the remaining connections are to individual diode tabs
or leads. More than one lead can be attached to each connection point and the heatsink assembly with diodes
must be the right part number and connected in accordance with the correct wiring diagram for the specific
part number charger.
The ammeter needle deflects in response to current flow indicating charge current. Connections to the
ammeter terminals are either push on or with jam nuts. When tightening the jam nuts, insure the threaded stud
does not turn, or damage to the ammeter can occur. Use only the correct ammeter as specified in the appro-
priate wiring diagram and parts list.
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For new, refurbished and used cleaning equipment and supplies visit www.southeasternequipment.net