Updating Camera Firmware
Updating Camera Firmware
Thank you for choosing a Nikon product. This guide describes how to perform this firmware update.
If you are not confident
that you can perform the
update successfully, the
update can be performed
by a Nikon service
See the camera manual for information on camera operations.
The camera may be damaged if power is interrupted or camera controls are operated during the
update. Do not turn the camera off, remove or disconnect the power source, or operate camera
controls during the update. If the update is not completed successfully and the camera becomes
inoperable, take the camera to a Nikon-authorized service representative for inspection.
Get ready
To upgrade the camera firmware, you will need:
The camera
A computer equipped with a card reader or card slot
One of the following camera power sources:
An AC adapter
A battery or batteries with sufficient charge to complete the update
A Nikon-approved memory card that has been formatted in the camera (note that
all data on the memory card will be deleted when the card is formatted; before
formatting the card, back up any data you wish to keep to a computer or other
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