PIR Sensor Adjustment
Time Setting:
You can set the time span at a minimum of around 5 seconds by turning the TIME setting counter-clockwise or
set it at maximum around 7 minutes by turning the TIME setting fully clockwise. The security light will stay on
as long as motion is detected and will go off after the time span you set after no motion is detected.
Sensitivity Setting:
Adjust the SENS setting to adjust range of Passive Infrared Motion Sensor (2M – 15M)
Dusk Level/Ambient Light (LUX) Setting
This setting is used to control the ambient light level for the motion security light to turn on. You can set the
light to turn on only in the darkness by turning the LUX setting to counter-clockwise
position. Or allow
the security light to trigger even during daylight by turning the LUX setting to full clockwise or at ambient
light level in between.
NB: LED LAMPS ARE NON-REPLACEABLE: Do not attempt to access / maintain the LED’s they are
non-replaceable and any contact may damage the LED’s.
Red LED sensor indicator:
The Red LED light will flash twice when triggered to indicate the PIR sensor is functioning correctly