Color Picker
Displayed data:
The name of the currently selected button.
A preview of the selected color.
A color picker used to select a color.
The color picker mode (RGBW, RGBWAU, Color grid).
The generated color components (Red, Green, Blue, White, HUE, Amber, UV.
Encoder actions:
Move the first encoder to control the amount of RED from 0100%. In RGBWAU
mode, the first encoder will control the HUE.
Move the second encoder to control the amount of GREEN from 0100%. In
RGBWAU mode, the second encoder will control the WHITE.
Move the third encoder to control the amount of BLUE from 0100%. In
RGBWAU mode, the third encoder will control the AMBER.
Move the fourth encoder to control the amount of WHITE from 0100%. In
RGBWAU mode, the second encoder will control the UV.
Other actions:
Tapping and dragging on the color picker will set the RGBW values to the
selected color.
Tapping the three buttons to the top right toggles between RGBW, RGBWAU
and Color Grid picker modes.
Tapping one of the 20 color buttons on the grid will set the RGBW values to the
selected color.
Tapping the flashing Matrix button stores the new color and closes the color
picker. Tapping any other button cancels the change.