You have recently been fitted with your new
Boston Brace to help control the curve of
your spine. This Leaflet provides information
on how to apply the brace and care for
your skin.
Applying your brace
There are several methods of application.
At first you will need help but eventually
you may learn to do it yourself. The easiest
method is described below:
• Make sure all the straps are outside the
• Place brace around your body by holding
each side and spreading the brace so you
can twist into it. The brace is stiff when
new and you might need help
• The opening of the brace should be
centered on your back so that the bumps
on the spine and the crease between the
buttocks are in the middle of the opening.
• Push the brace down by placing hands on
your hips - the waist pads on the inside of
the brace should rest just above your hips
and below your ribs.
• Lean forward on to your forearms on a flat
surface such as a table or counter - your
helper will thread the straps through the
• Your helper applies pressure with the
flat of one hand to the side opposite the
buckle. At the same time the helper
pulls the Velcro strap with the other hand
towards the hand applying the pressure.
• Secure the bottom strap first, then the top
and middle, then straighten up.
Successful brace wearing
• Gradually increase your daily wearing
time to 20 hours daily within the first two
• Take care of your skin daily and wear a
Boston T or snug fitting t-shirt at all times
under your brace
• Properly apply brace to body
• Clean the brace daily.
How to apply and tighten the
brace yourself
• Place brace on your body as described
and thread the straps through the buckles
• Lean forward from your hips and pull
straps out, down and away from the
buckle side. Be patient as this takes
Breaking into your brace
Over two weeks, gradually increase the time
per day you are in your brace. The following
programme is designed to help your skin and
muscles adjust to the brace.
Stage One:
Wear brace for six hours daily.
• Best accomplished after school and up to
bed time
• Apply brace for two hours and then
remove. Check skin and rub with alcohol
gel. If your skin is just pink, reapply brace
for two more hours and repeat up to six
hours in total
• If your skin is sore and red, wait 30
minutes then rub with alcohol and wear
for two more hours up to six hours total.
Begin stage 1
End stage 1
Stage Two:
Wear brace for 10 hours daily.
• Apply brace for four hours. Remove and
check skin. If necessary rub with alcohol
• Reapply brace for three hours.
• Remove and check skin. If necessary rub
with alcohol
• Reapply brace up to 10 hours in total.
Begin stage 2
End stage 2
Stage Three:
Wear brace for 20 hours daily.
• Apply brace before school. At lunchtime
remove brace and check skin. Rub with
alcohol if necessary. Reapply brace
• After school or at your chosen time re-
move brace. Reapply at bedtime. Sleep
in brace. Once you are able to sleep in
your brace you have achieved your goal!
Begin stage 3
Time out of brace is
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