Boston Brace
for Scoliosis
Wear and Care guide
Your Orthotist is:
Tel no. 0131 537 9418
Skin care
It is very important to
prevent skin
- sore, red, raw skin. The skin
under the brace needs to be toughened up,
especially where the brace applies the most
To protect the skin:
• Shower/bathe daily. Apply alcohol gel
to all parts of the skin your brace covers
everyday. Gel can be purchased at
local pharmacy and some supermarkets
Spirigel, Cuticura
etc. are some brand
names). Alcohol gel plus the friction of
your hand will toughen the skin.
• Pay special attention to pink areas of the
skin where the brace pressure is highest
• Always wear a Boston T or snug fitting
t-shirt/vest under the brace
• Always wear underwear over the brace to
prevent skin breakdown around the
elastic waistband
• Wear the brace as tight as possible. A
loose brace may rub and cause
skin breakdown.
• The use of cornflower on skin is often
helpful in hot weather or on skin sensitive
to alcohol.
Initially do not use creams,
lotions or powders under the brace as
they will soften the skin.
Sometimes the skin over the waist and
hips gets darker. This is common and not
a problem. When the brace treatment is
complete the discolouration will fade.
As you grow and your body changes, further
adjustments will need to be made. Contact
your Orthotist if you brace becomes less
comfortable, no longer fits, or if the straps
wear out.
Cleaning your brace
It is important to clean the foam liner of the
brace daily. The foam will not absord
moisture, however, perspiration will collect
on it. Wipe inside and out with a damp cloth.
Rub the lining with alcohol gel and leave to
dry. Stubborn marks on the outside can be
removed with nail polish remover.
LOT xxxx - August 2015