system safely. Buoy systems are heavy, and personnel can quickly become entangled with mooring
lines and anchors. Safety and flotation gear should be worn at all times when working on or near the
Remember to perform a complete system test onshore before deployment. Learning the system’s
nuances is better handled onshore or in a lab rather than in the field.
Single-Point Mooring Deployment
1. With the buoy in the boat, begin by connecting all mooring hardware, including the mooring line’s
connection to the bottom eye of the CB-series buoy.
2. Lift the anchor over the side of the boat and release it in to the water at the chosen deployment
location. Be sure that the mooring line and bottom chain assembly are long enough that dropping
the anchor does not pull the buoy over the side of the boat. Pay out the mooring line so that it does
not become entangled.
3. Finalize any sensor connections and apply power, then lift the buoy over the side of the boat and
carefully set it in the water.
Safe deployment of a buoy system.