Display Note:
Every 15 Seconds the actual error mes-
sage will scroll across the display. It will display one
error at a time, however will let you know how many
there are in the format of “Error X of X”, followed by the
error message.
The ‘Normal Operation’ LED must be blinking to
indicate the NexPump Unit is operating. In addition, the mode
location (last digit on display) will also be blinking with the
mode the NexPump is in. If both of these are not blinking then
there may be problem with the NexPump Unit.
Primary Mode - Used when pump is the primary pump
o Mode switch in up position. The letter ‘P’ will
be blinking in the mode position on display.
o NexPump WILL NOT display or sound an alarm
if pump(s) are activated.
Backup Mode - Used when pump is a backup pump
o Mode switch in down position. The letter ‘B’ will
be blinking in the mode position on display.
o NexPump WILL display and sound an alarm
if pump(s) are activated. Indicated by ‘A’ in the
corresponding pump location.
Manual Mode – Used to manually turn on both pumps
o Switch in up position manual mode is ON and in
down position manual mode is OFF.
o The letter ‘M’ will be blinking in the mode
position on display.
o When operating on battery power the NexPump
will not calculate Battery Life Remaining.
o Clog or Vapor Lock detection is disabled.
o Pumps will turn off for 5 seconds each minute to
clear possible Vapor Lock Conditions.
o Auto Self-Test is disabled
Emergency Mode – Automatically selected
o The letter ‘E’ will be blinking in the mode
position on display.
o Alarm will sound with display indicting the reason
NexPump went into the Emergency mode
Note: The Emergency mode will automatically be
selected if either Sensor is disconnected or BOTH
pumps are in a disconnected mode. In the Emergency
mode the pumps will operate every two minutes when
the sensor is disconnected or operate both pumps when
the pumps show a failed condition AND sensor 1 is