NEXO NX242 DIGITAL TDcontroller Service manual rev100606
Hardware fix for the Nxtension-CAI and the Nxtension-ES4
This document deals with a hardware problem that can be found on Nxtension card with:
Serial number up to 695 for Nxtension-ES4
Serial number up to 299 for Nxtension-CAI
The symptoms of this failure are the following:
Crackles or noise on all the outputs that can be permanent or punctual.
When using an Nxtension-ES4, the noise disappears when switching from Analog to Digital input.
Also note that this problem mostly occurs with Nxtension-CAI cards.
The solution is to connect to a fixed potential a pin on the Nxtension board which was left floating.
Hardware correction
First and foremost, be sure to disconnect the NX242 from the mains before opening the top cover. Once the top
cover of the NX242 is open, you can directly do the hardware correction on the Nxtension-board itself.
Then locate the large header on the Nxtension card like on the picture above. On this header, you will have to
solder a jumper between two pins (one next to the other). These two pins are located 17 pins from the left or 12
pins from the right (see the picture bellow).